Post-purge setup

After my major purge of computer and ham radio gear… I added a few things. Granted these were things I didn’t need. I think I’m cursed with first wanting things I don’t need. Then later wanting to get rid of things I don’t need.

At any rate. I added the following:

  • Yaesu FT-991A
  • Kenwood TH-D75A
  • ICOM ID-52A Plus Anniversary Edition
  • MacBook Air

Even after adding that new gear, I came out pretty close to even on my selling vs buying. There may have been a small deficit.

So now I have both an ICOM IC-7100 and a Yaesu FT-991A. In theory, both of these radios do the same thing. But I’ve worked things out to where I can use them both together, for different things.

I have a 2m/70cm antenna in my attic hooked to the IC-7100. Where the FT-991A only has a dummy load. So I use the IC-7100 for repeaters. And I use the FT-991A for my hotspots/nodes. This works well. I also use my FT-991A for HF when the HF mood strikes me. That’s not very often. As shown in the picture, I have desk mics for both radios. And… these are now my only two desktop radios. Everything else is handheld.